Nightbot queue, manual installation:

Command Description
!q This command handles all functionalities of the queue system, it must be installed for the queue system to work.
(Required) !commands add !q -cd=5 -ul=everyone $(urlfetch$(querystring)&token=LXIL9IgiJxOwWveCmLb7)
!join Join the current queue. Optional message. Usage: "!join" or "!join message".
!commands add !join -cd=5 -ul=everyone -a=!q join $(query)
!leave Leave the current queue. Usage: "!leave".
!commands add !leave -cd=5 -ul=everyone -a=!q leave
!position Returns the position of the user in the current queue. Usage: "!position".
!commands add !position -cd=5 -ul=everyone -a=!q position
!list Returns an url with a full list of all users in the queues. Usage: "!list".
!commands add !list -cd=5 -ul=everyone -a=!q list
!info Returns information (name, amount of users, status) of the current queue. Usage: "!info".
!commands add !info -cd=5 -ul=everyone -a=!q info
!who Displays the next $x people that are in the queue. Usage "!who 5".
!commands add !who -cd=5 -ul=everyone -a=!q who $(query)
!open Opens the current queue. Usage: "!open".
!commands add !open -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q open
!close Closes the current queue. Usage: "!close".
!commands add !close -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q close
!next Picks the next user. Optional number for multiple users. Usage: "!next" or "!next 3".
!commands add !next -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q next $(query)
!random Picks a random user. Optional number for multiple users. Usage: "!random" or "!random 3".
!commands add !random -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q random $(query)
!clearq Clears the current queue. Usage: "!clearq".
!commands add !clearq -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q clear
!addq Adds a subqueue. Required message. Usage example: "!addq Fortnite".
!commands add !addq -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q add $(query)
!delq Deletes a subqueue. Required message. Usage example: "!delq Fortnite".
!commands add !delq -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q del $(query)
!setq Sets a subqueue as active queue. Required message. Usage example: "!setq Fortnite".
!commands add !setq -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q set $(query)
!remove Deletes user from queue by ID, this ID can be found when opening the full list in browser (list command). Usage example: "!remove 1".
!commands add !remove -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q remove $(query)
!userlevel Sets the UserLevel of the current active queue. Available userlevels: moderator, vip, regular, subscriber, everyone. Usage example: "!userlevel suscriber".
!commands add !userlevel -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q userlevel $(query)
!promote Promotes user to first position of queue by ID, this ID can be found when opening the full list in browser (list command). Usage example: "!promote 1".
!commands add !promote -cd=5 -ul=moderator -a=!q promote $(query)